Over half of a century ago in 1953, destiny brought together two far-sighted men who decided to form a partnership and actively participate in the development of the State of Kuwait. This partnership was to be called Ali sayegh Contracting Company and was founded by: late Mr. Ali Redah Mohammad Al-Sayegh and the late Nerses Shaghzo
Late Ali Al-Sayegh was at the time a well known Kuwaiti businessman, who owned several retail shops. He was also renowned to be the best goldsmith in Kuwait, hence his name "sayegh" meaning goldsmith.
Late Nerses Shaghzo was on the other hand a veteran for 30 years in the construction industry. He had taken part in the civil engineering and construction project of the Anglo- Iranian Oil Company and the Allied Nation Military Forces in Iran during the war. But in 1952, after Nationalization of the Anglo- Iranian Oil Company by the Iranian Government, there followed a period of political and economical uncertainty which prompted the late Nerses Shaghzo to move to Kuwait with the aim of the exploring the opportunities that would be presented by the imminent growth of the Kuwait Oil Company.
In 1973, after 20 years of successful operation, Ali Sayegh Contracting Company was welcoming a family member into partnership and board of the company. He was Ali Al-Sayegh nephew, late Dr. Jassim Mohammad Al-Sayegh, who after graduation as PhD. in civil engineering from University of Minnesota, United States.
During the late 1970s, ownership and management structure of the company changed and hence late Dr. Jassim Al-Sayegh together with Mr. Hisham Khammash, who is currently the Manager & Partner incorporated the building construction division of ASCC being very much active in the civil works of Power-Stations and Substations and other electro-mechanical projects.
Since that time, the two succession partners, hence late Dr. Jassim Al-Sayegh and Mr. Hisham Khammash continued the journey based on the founder's principals and mission.
In April 2004, after the decease of Dr. Jassim Al-Sayegh, Mr. Mohammad Jassim Al-Sayegh which succeeded the role of his late father in the company and being the third generation is now committed full time in ASCC as a Manager & Partner, working collectively with partners and employees for the continuing success of Ali Sayegh Contracting Company.